The messsage is clear at this exclusive event, as Actor Cuba Gooding Jr quoted in the movie Jerry McGuire "Show Me The Money!" that is exactly what we intend to do. On May 12, 2011 "Meet The Private Money" will take place from 10am to 2pm at the Palace in Cornelius, NC. One of the cities known as beautiful Lake Norman.
Attend this exclusive event and learn how private money can fund your real estate deals from shortsales, rehab financing, foreclosure bailouts, reo acquisitions and much, much more. The opportunities are endless. The freedom that comes with creative financing is outstanding, and attending the Meet The Private Money Event will open your eyes to a whole new world of unlimited wealth building opportunites.
Let us tell you what the Guru's won't, and learn the secrets to funding your real estate deals in real time. There is nothing sold at our live event.