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9 Ways To Do A Deal With Bad Credit And No Money

by Ed Garcia

In my workshop, How to Get Lenders Fighting to Give You Money, I teach that there are at least nine different ways you can do a deal with poor or bad credit.

Now before I give them to you, I want you to know that I'm really supportive of learning deal structuring. The first thing you need to do is "investigate your deal" to know what I call "where the bodies lie" in other words, what is the seller's main objectives or motivation.
That allows, you to have an idea of what approaches are going to be compatible with the sellers needs, allowing you to do the deal.

Here are the nine ways that I've mentioned:

1.) Partnership: Find a 50/50 partner. It doesn't have to be 50/50; it can be what ever you can negotiate.

2.) Flip: The best way to flip houses is to find a potential buyer first and then find a property. You can do this by running an ad on a property to see what kind of action you get. Once you have a potential qualified buyer, you'd be surprised how easy it is to find him a house.

3.) Lease Option: Many times you can buy and sell with a lease option. We call this a "sandwich lease option." I'm not going to go into any great detail, you can find this information all over this forum.

4.) Seller Carry back: This is one of--if not my favorite way to buy. Now the best way to use this system is to do a second seller carry back in order to give the seller some cash from the deal. If money doesn't exchange hands, the seller may not feel that they consummated a sale.
Example: I find a house that has a small balance on the first mortgage. Let's say the house is worth a $100,000; the balance on the first mortgage is $30,000.
If I wanted to buy this house for . . . let's say $80,000, I could ask the seller to carry back $15,000 and go to a hard money lender to borrow 65% of AMV (Appraised Market Value), which is $65,000, and the seller carrying $15,000 in second position, would ad up to $80,000.
It would also give your seller $35,000 new cash, and $125 income on the $15,000 loan that they carried at 10% interest only for 5 years.

5.) Hard Money: Hard money is an equity loan made at approximately 65% LTV (Loan to Value Ratio), based on the equity of the property only. Credit is not a consideration.

6.) Hard Money/Seller Carry Back: Again, You can have the seller carry back a second and refinance the first, giving the seller some money. You can do variations of this system.

7.) Subprime Financing: Many national lenders will provide financing at 70% with poor credit and won't verify money down.

8.) Subprime/Seller Carry Back: Again, this combination can provide money to the seller, rather than ask him to carry the whole thing.

Also there are local independent portfolio lenders as well as mortgage companies that will lend, and I always recommend seeking them out. National lenders would be Associates Finance, American General, Beneficial, etc.

9.) Create Your Own Mortgage: In our workshop, Terry Vaughan covers this and shows you how to create your own mortgage, discount it, and market it.

About the author...

Ed Garcia has been a lender and investor since 1968. He is the CEO of American Heritage Financial Corporation, located in Rancho Cucamonga, California. Ed is also affiliated with Independent Mortgage Company and has the ability to make loans in 42 states. In addition to his extensive financial background, Ed is also a seasoned real estate investor. His current holdings include two distribution warehouses located in Columbus, Ohio, as well as other commercial and residential holdings in California. Ed is a lender with a dealmaker mindset.